Lockdown to curb medicine asupply: Pharma lobby

The All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) is concerned that the three week lockdown is likely to affect medicine supplies in India. A number of industry leaders explicated that the supply chain is getting disrupted as the distributors are facing difficulties to get supplies from warehouses due to pharmacies. 

Sandeep Nangia, President, Delhi Chemists Association told the media “The police are taking unnecessary action on the medicos without even checking their IDs. We are all providing essential services but in the wake of police’ action on our delivery boys and those working in stores, I am sure India is heading towards a major supply disruption.” The association of chemists has contacted Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) and even the state chief ministers highlighting these challenges. Jagannath Shinde, President of the organisation added “I had a video-conference with the Prime Minister and shared with him the problems chemists and suppliers are facing all over the country.” 

On its part, the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) has already written to the chief secretaries in states to facilitate smooth inter-state travel of workers and that pharma activities are treated as essential services.


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